J.R. Miller D.D


Here is a list of all the links I can find to other sites on the Web that have more than a trivial mention of the Rev. J.R. Miller

Presbyterian Historical Society Philadelphia, PA.
  This is an ‘xml’ page and some browsers don’t like opening it.

The page is copyright so I cannot reproduce it here. Essentially it reports it has 0.75 cu.ft of records pertaining to J.R. Miller. This includes: the history of the work of the United States Christen Commission in Ohio; notes, incidents, etcetera that happened in connection with army; correspondence; sermons; and photographs.

Cyber Nation
  This is a secular site with many inspirational quotations. It only has one by Dr. Miller.

Project Gutenberg has a plain text copy of
  ‘Girls: Faults and Ideals — A Familiar Talk, with Quotations from Letters’

Project Gutenberg is a collection of more than 13.000 eBooks, produced by hundreds of volunteers.

Deidre Johnson has a transcription of parts of
  ‘The Story of a Busy Life — Recollections of Mrs. George A. Paull’
  Edited by J.R. Miller, D.D.
  New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Company 1896

Shilohon Baptist Church sponsors the Shiloh Online Library, which lists the following works:

  1. By The Still Waters - A Meditation on the 23rd Psalm
  2. The Duty of Encouragement
  3. The Cure for Care
  4. Week-Day Religion
  5. Beautiful Old Age
  6. Mutual Forbearance

gracegems.org has the following works:

  1. Secrets of Happy Home Life
  2. Mutual Forbearance
  3. The Cure for Care
  4. Beautiful Old Age

Life Bible-Presbyterian Church has the following work:

  1. Come Ye Apart

www.greenpasturesministry.com lists 26 verses from Green Pastures

www.zeitun-eg.org has 92 readings from Green Pastures

Archive Miller is an attempt to collect all or at least most of Dr. Miller’s works. It has all the works listed above with the exception of ‘The Story of a Busy Life'.

It also hasThe Best Things in Life, Devotional Hours with the Bible, ‘Every Day of Life’, The Glory of the Common Life, Making the Most of Life, Morning Thoughts, In Green Pastures, Strength and Beauty, and Things to Live For, andWeek-Day Religion

There are also five pamphlets on pamphlets.jr-miller.com

Check back often. This list is likely to grow.

If you know of a link that I have missed, please e-mail me


Windsor Restaurants

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