J.R. Miller D.D


J.R. Miller is best remembered for the numerous books and pamphlets that he wrote.

Archive Miller has the following works available



  1. The Blessing of Cheerfulness
  2. By the Still Waters
  3. The Face of the Master
  4. A Gentle Heart
  5. Girls: Faults and Ideals
  6. How When and Where
  7. In Perfect Peace
  8. The Inner Life
  9. Loving my Neighbor
  10. The Marriage Alter
  11. Mary of Bethany
  12. Secrets of Happy Home Life
  13. Summer Gathering
  14. The Secret of Gladness
  15. Sorrow in Christian Homes
  16. The Transfigured Life
  17. To-Day and To-Morrow
  18. Unto the Hills
  19. Young men faults and ideals

The lists are definitely not complete. If you spot an inadvertent addition, or know of any omission, please e-mail me.
